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General Info & On-Site Event

ruhrSUMMIT will take place on June, 29th & 30th, 2021.

We start on June 29th at 09:00 am and finish the official program at about 06:00 pm. Afterwards you are invitied to enjoy our evening program in the form of the Fuckup Night Ruhr!

The second day of the event offers you a program from 09:00 am - 02:30 pm, but even after that you are welcome to stay on the platform, to keep meeting with people you met or to leave your digital business card at one or the other virtual EXPO stand.

This year, ruhrSUMMIT will take place as a hybrid event, i.e. digitally and interactively on our digital platform, as well as physically on site in the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum. Of course, we are bound by the COVID19 regulations that apply in June 2021 and the number of participants will be reduced, as long as the analog part of the event is allowed to take place on site.

Either way, your ticket will give you access to the digital platform of #rs2021 and you will be able to enjoy all stages and formats as well as match other participants at the EXPO or in the Match Making Area.

In 2020, we worked hard to develop a digital platform specifically for ruhrSUMMIT. This has now been completely revised for this year's #rs2021 to guarantee an optimal event experience.

After your ticket purchase and shortly before the event, we will inform you by e-mail when and how you can register on the platform.

Of course there will. We will ensure the greatest possible safety for all participants with the help of coordinated admission management, distance regulations and other hygiene and safety procedures.

Admission only with a negative test result from an official COVID-19 test site (not older than 48h).

Admission without a negative COVID-19 test result for vaccinated and recovered persons:

  • Vaccinated persons must present proof of complete vaccination protection - for example, the yellow vaccination certificate. Depending on the vaccine, one or two vaccinations are required for full protection. At least 14 days must have passed since the last required single vaccination.
  • Recovered persons require proof of a positive PCR test (or other nucleic acid evidence) dating back at least 28 days and no more than six months.

No admission for symptoms of possible Covid 19 infection. These include shortness of breath, new-onset cough, fever, and loss of smell or taste.

During the ticket purchase on Eventbrite you can indicate that you are interested in the physical event on site.

To keep it fair, we decide by lottery. Only the ratio between the individual participant groups is taken into account in order to offer optimal matching potential between start-ups, companies and investors on site.

The exception to this is the start-ups that we admit to the EXPO on site. Here we select specifically to represent an optimal mix of different industries.

If the analog part is realizable in the Jahrhunderthalle in Bochum, we will inform all participants who have been randomly selected by e-mail by mid-June, 2021.

No, unfortunately this is not possible. Due to the COVID-19 regulations, we assume a reduced number of participants at the on-site event, which is why we will allocate fixed time slots upon confirmation. The length of the slots will be based on the total number of participants allowed.

You will soon find a detailed agenda here on our website.

Registration for individual formats such as Table Discussions or the Expert Lounge is only possible after purchasing a ticket and only via our digital platform. Find out more here.

We are focusing our themes on Trends 2021 and defining the following overarching themes for our event: Future of… food, -health, -production, -robotics, Data & KI, -community, -mobility und -retail.

Event Ticket