What about RS2022?
We have very clear goals in mind for ruhrSUMMIT 2022:
- Experience ruhrSUMMIT!
- Enjoy the ruhrSUMMIT Experience!
- Make ruhrSUMMIT unforgettable!
The focus is on the physical event.
We want to inspire you with digital topics, network with a wonderful community of start-ups, companies and investors to make ruhrSUMMIT YOUR highlight event.
Look forward to pioneering trend topics and technologies at your reach!
Of course, we will continue to offer access via our digital platform, so that you can also participate if you actually CANNOT be there.
Stay tuned for what's in store for you this year.
Find out about our new formats, meet relevant players of the start-up scene directly with us in Bochum and finally enjoy a start-up event that not only expands your business contacts, but is also really fun!
Our newsletter will provide you from now on and guaranteed always first with the most important updates on the event happenings: stay tuned!
Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart

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JunE, 13th 2023